12/08 2001, updated 24/06 2016 by PS
Brings James Bond, Teresa's father and his men to Blofeld's laboratory 'Piz Gloria' to rescue her and destroying the laboratory.
The US Marines helicopter fleet attacking Blofelds command center in Diamonds are Forever contains two HUEYs.
A UH-1H transports Bond and Natalya out of Cuba in 'Goldeneye'.
In Quantum of Solace the UH-1H Gunship is shooting at James Bond and Camille in their DC-3.
The prototype flew October 1956. The HU-1A was delivered in 1959 to the US Army where it was the first turbine helicopter. It was the workhorse of the Vietnam conflict, as gunship, rescue or troop-carrier. More than 10.000 entered service in US Forces and countries worldwide.
Upgraded versions 205/UH- and 212 UH-1N.
World Millitary Helicopters, Elfan ap Rees, Jane's Publishing, 1986, page 35/37.
The Helicopter, Patrick Allen, Airlife Publishing, 1996, page 28/29.
Jane's Pocket Guide Modern Military Helicopters, Tim Ripley, HarperCollinsPublishers, 1997, page 81-82.
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